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Corporate Clients

Government Military

The government officials and military employees need to stay abroad for prolonged periods of time. This can be either a matter of state, official business or any other types of situations that might appear there. With Corporate Housing Connector you will be able to get all of that and so much more as fast as possible. Our team is there to offer you the best corporate housing solutions on the market at a price that you can rely on.

No matter how many employees you need to house, the corporate housing services offered by Corporate Housing Connector will be able to cover all of that and so much more very fast. With our help you will have the ability to save money and time, all while having the ability to offer your team great living conditions.

We aim to provide you with the best, stress free experience. It doesn’t matter if your team needs an extended stay or not, our serviced apartments have all the paid utilities, fitted kitchens and furniture that they might need. Corporate Housing Connector will be able to house your team for as much time as you need, no matter if it’s 1 month or an entire year.

On top of that, we offer a lot of variety with our service, your team will be able to live in a studio or in 1-3 bedroom corporate housing if needed. We served many government and military officials and we will be very happy to help you as well.

We cover a variety of regions all over the world, from South America to Africa, New York, London, Paris, China and many others. As a team of vetted professionals in this industry, we work very hard to help you acquire extraordinary results as fast as possible. All you have to do is to let us know how we can help and we will be there for you.

Corporate Housing Connector offers you the flexibility and quality solutions that you are in dire need of. All you have to do is to let us know how we can help and we will deliver all of that as fast as possible. Just hire us right now and we will gladly assist!