Serviced Apartment Logo

Americas (USA) +1 888 585 4144

EMEA (UK) +44 203 936 2264

Asia (Japan) + 81 345 776 137

Australia +61 753 48 9249

Connecting Business Travelers and Serviced Apartment Suppliers Globally

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Service Excellence

At The Serviced Apartment Corporation service excellence is our company strategy and it begins and ends with our team. We provide our customers with a unique experience by proactively anticipating their needs and expectations. We are constantly measuring our guest satisfaction, acting upon their feedback and continuously improving on our processes to offer the very best product and services we can.

Responsive Account Management

Servicedapartments characteristics

At The Serviced Apartment Corporation we are here to push the boundaries of the guest experience. To add innovative services and listen to what guests want. We constantly monitor feedback, adapt to the needs of the client and the market.

We feel in any business or market you cannot stand still. Our business intelligence systems and fully integrated reporting, along with regular account reviews ensure Skyline continue to offer the very best in customer care and account management.

Based On Integrity

Servicedapartments characteristics

As a global provider of corporate accommodations, we know that our activities affect the communities and environments we operate in. We therefore seek to ensure that we make a positive difference everywhere we operate and across all aspects of our business through our policies and practices.